Latest Blogposts 網誌文章
譯人片語 Notes of an InterpSlator
Posts related to language, interpretation, and translation 所有關於語言、口譯、筆譯的貼文
2024-11-30 【Dictionaries 字典工具】Online English-Chinese dictionaries are full of errors 線上英漢詞典不可信
2024-09-22 【Mistranslation du jour 今日誤譯】to go back on 反悔,改變想法
2024-07-10 【AI-powered flashcards 人工智慧閃卡】自動產生 Anki 閃卡語音的神器|HyperTTS: A Powerful Tool for Auto-generated Audio for Anki Flashcards
2024-04-12 【AI interpreters 跟真人搶飯碗】Sunnyvale taps AI to translate public meetings - San José Spotlight
2024-04-09 【Once in a total eclipse of the sun 百年一遇】 美國之音 VOA 首見台灣口音的同步口譯
2024-03-07 【Translationese 翻譯體】Sighting of the longest-ever prenominal modifier in Chinese (50 characters long)? |史上最長的中文名詞前置修飾語?
2024-02-15 【Comprehension 英語理解】Ugly, squat houses vs. ugly squat houses
2024-01-19 【Phonemic awareness 音位意識】Threads音義雙全的中文譯名|Give Threads a decent name
2024-01-09 【Terminology 譯名】Please use 音位, not 音素 for "phoneme" to avoid perpetuating an avoidable confusion
2024-01-06 【Money issues 向錢行】頂級單日口譯待遇 Top rates for an interpreter
2023-12-05 【Mistranslation 誤譯校正】濾過性病毒:_annotator_influenza vaccine 台灣行政院疾管局 認識流感疫苗 教學手冊
2023-11-26 【Terp hack 順句驅動】be taken by sth
2023-11-26【Char 中文漢字】【Pron 英語發音】唸 念|when (Please read "Annotation" at bottom of page 請閱讀頁面最下方的「Annotation」)
2023-11-26【Vocab 詞彙用例】verification, validation, Context 用例
2023-11-25【ChatGPT 人智機譯】ChatGPT delivers an English joke in English and Mandarin|ChatGPT說笑話有模有樣
2023-11-14【Translation 筆譯碎念】The Chinese Typewriter 《中文打字機》 - Notes on the translation 翻譯註記
譯界之外 Beyond T&I
2025-01-01 Hello, Obsidian Sync! 一試成主顧
2024-12-31 Completionism, or completism 求全主義
Audio recording - should I choose 48KHz or 44.1 KHz?|錄音時選擇 48KHz 的用意
Combining PDF reading, annotating, backlinking for context, and flashcarding 一邊閱讀筆記一遍建立閃卡
There's no appropriate level of volume for background music for a talk|該死的背景音樂
Beeper - a meta app to round them all up - except for a few glaring misses|集結各大通訊軟體的「滅他」通訊軟體
Zoom host can share video with sound to ALL breakout rooms|Zoom主持人可對分組房播放影音
Docdrop - another great web annotation interface powered by Hypothesis|發現新的文件或影片註記介面:Docdrop
Issues with the Obsidian Digital Garden plugin|Obsidian 數位花園插件:問題
Hypothesis adds YouTube annotation|Hypothesis多了YouTube影片註解功能
Quicktime screen recording - capturing dual screens?|Quicktime螢幕錄影能否同時擷取多螢幕?
ChatGPT voice chat surprise, delight, and caution|和ChatGPT中英雙語對話:既驚豔又心存警戒
MacBook 2023 Pro Max, 16 inch, with the M3 chip upgrade log|新購Mac筆電從Intel版狂升到M3晶片:綜合心得紀錄
Free software for downsampling videos on Mac (M3 chip) |M3上可用的免費影片壓縮軟體
Mac - Control Center (showing icons on top menu bar)|Mac控制中心
Hypothesis - a public-by-default web annotation tool 預設公開的網上標註筆記工具
Omnivore - an open-source, free Readwise Reader alternative 免費的閱讀筆記書籤軟體
My consecutive note-taking practice using CADNCI 數位逐步口譯筆記練習實錄影片 (global income inequality)
Ctrl-V or Cmd-V alternative - pasting only the plain text with Shift-Cmd-V | 貼出純文字的小撇步
Audio Flashcards - iOS app - handsfree, eyes-free, driving-friendly | 只需耳聽、開車適用的抽認卡學習神器
Why you need to learn a little regex - an Anki example 正規表式是啥?能吃嗎?
LEP 英語能力有限 | 某法官有一次竟還問我這詞啥意思
Use Movavi Video Editor 4 for downsampling videos | 值得使用的影片編輯軟體
🔥🤞 Zotero 筆記軟體 | 百聞不如一見的 PDF 筆記工具
Obsidian plugin - Annotator|PDF註記插件 | 和 Obsidian 完美嵌合的 PDF 筆記工具,手寫和iPad是最大遺珠
Using MT to prepare for interpretation assignments, make a bilingual document of presentation | 快速產生雙語資料用於口譯
Syncing or sharing Contacts between iOS (iPhone) and Mac OS (Contacts app) | 聯絡人 app 不總在手機和Mac電腦上自動同步,如何自救
How to enable texting (SMS) in the iMessage app on MacOS and other iOS devices (e.g. iPad) | 如何在 Mac 電腦上收送 SMS 簡訊
Obsidian Digital Garden Plugin + Netlify build failure scares|Obsidian 網站建置失敗
Evernote has got an iOS problem | 曾紅極一時的 Evernote 如今在擺爛
A time-saving Safari browser hack on iOS | 關閉 iOS 上 Safari 瀏覽器所有頁籤的絕招
Best practice: always save a copy of data of a given format | 幸好我沒有丟掉最早起格式的金山詞霸
Largest English-Chinese terminological dictionary found | 宇宙量級的英漢術語詞典:速譯通
Anki text TSV import - one huge surprise | Anki 匯入 text 格式一個重大設計缺失
Gmail hierarchical labels for organization | 善用 Gmail 階層式標籤管理生活日常
Google Sheets - Regex Find and Replace | 幸好 Google Sheets 懂 regex
Designing glossary lookup | 詞彙庫系統欄位設計
Unicode properties for quoting or enclosing characters 搜尋括弧性標點括起的文字
Hello, Notion! | Notion,我來了
Anki add-on performance tracking | 逃過一劫後,開始追蹤Anki性能
Anki Issues of Slow Desktop App | 晴天霹靂:Anki桌面版崩壞
AnkiWeb unlimited cloud storage | Anki無限雲端容量的小撇步
Refocusing on Glossary Management | 筆記軟體滾一邊,重新聚焦詞彙管理
Heptabase | 原來 Heptabase 是勝過 Tana 的神器,台灣之光
Note-linking anxiety | 我是否患了筆記關聯焦慮症?
Hello, Tana! | 成了新工具Tana的早鳥用戶
- Tana Q&A | 最迫切的Tana問題
- Tana Paste | Tana匯入資料的唯一希望
Old habits die hard 新習慣養成的阻力
ChatGPT - Bing - Bard 3-way knockout in explaining (a legal concept) | GPT 大車拼:解釋法律概念
Cancelation or cancellation? Don't get "canceled" for spelling wrong.
Hierarchical organization of pages in Logseq makes a sane mind (2023-07-24)
Obsidian has blocks too, just not as native as in Logseq (2023-07-23)
Lowered expectations, fruitful results (2023-07-21)
Want long-form writing in Logseq? No problemo! (2023-07-18)
How I published a second website using Logseq (2023-07-18)
2023-07-20 - Fool's errand in pushing the envelope of software limit
2023-07-19 - Continuing accelerated Logseq learning 🥰 | My second website is live!
2023-07-18 - Fragile systems
2023-07-17 - Generic knowledge cross-informing
2023-07-16 - Lovin' Logseq after first use | The gravitational pull
2023-07-15 - Hello, and good-bye, Joplin!
2023-07-14 - PKM system longevity | Obsidian Logseq cohabitation
2023-07-13 - An EasyFind trick
2023-07-12 - ChatGPT Code Interpreter | Ankiweb delight
2023-07-11 - Does Obsidian has a file limit?
2023-07-10 - In iCloud limbo
2023-07-09 - Debugging Perl 6 books while learning
2023-07-08 - State court interpreter's oral exams 美國法庭口譯考試
2023-07-07 - Tana, an exciting semantic PKM system
2023-07-06 - Sight translation's 順句驅動 and the anatomy of a legalese sentence
2023-07-05 - Learning Obsidian's Excalibrain plugin and getting a prize windfall: PDF freehand drawing with Excalidraw
2023-07-04 - Hello, Debugging Perl 6 in a GUI IDE! 🎉
2023-07-03 - Drinking from the Perl 6 fire hose
2023-07-02 - Comma IDE for Perl 6
2023-07-01 - First taste of Perl 6 | A mysterious French word
2023-06-30 - Data extraction with ChatGPT | Regex sighting in Taiwan's public national Taigi search tool
2023-06-29 - Anki's regex woes
2023-06-28 - One fewer thing to do in Obsidian
2023-06-27 - Hello, Perl 6 on Mac!
2023-06-26 - Do you "delete" or "backspace"?
2023-06-24 - Roget's Thesaurus in Obsidian
2023-06-23 - Regex power
2023-06-22 - AI v human interpreters 真人口譯和AI大車拼
2023-06-21 - Sold on Mem's AI magic
2023-06-20 - A picture of the pretty pickle
2023-06-19 - Perl 6 regex and grammar voodoo
2023-06-18 - Smitten with a warm fuzzy feeling
2023-06-17 - The treacherous waters of Perl debugging in a GUI
2023-06-16 - Mistranslations from miscomprehension 因誤解而誤譯
2023-06-15 - AutoSleep's monkey business
2023-06-14 - Fabulously tabular Obsidian
2023-06-13 - Ignore it and feel good about it!
2023-06-12 - Perl programming redux
2023-06-11 - My Apple Notes now in Obsidian
2023-06-10 - A sobering chart when reality struck
2023-06-09 - I want unified glossaries, yesterday!
2023-06-08 - How much is my health worth?
2023-06-07 - My lofty goal of digitizing reference books
2023-06-06 - Record It! saves space
2023-06-05 - A delight beyond comparison
2023-06-04 - Utility beyond comparison
2023-06-03 - Dumb and cheap conversion | Weight loss
2023-06-02 - To FIRE, or not to FIRE? That is no longer a hypothetical.
2023-06-01 - Interpreter's Help
2023-05-31 - A really silly, feel-good money chart
2023-05-30 - When a pill loses its magic
2023-05-29 - Agencies
2023-05-28 - A big upgrade in style
2023-05-27 - Apple Notes seems more palatable
2023-05-26 - Systemic thinking 系統觀
2023-05-25 - Hard at work but not being creative
2023-05-24 - Good breaking in
2023-05-23 - Google's Bard, the new kid on the block
2023-05-22 - Evernote, where clipped web content goes to die
2023-05-21 - Predicate 謂語 vs. Predicative (expression) 表語
2023-05-20 - LiquidText re-emerging on my radar screen
2023-05-19 - "Massaging" glossary data
2023-05-18 - What to do when driving?
2023-05-17 - Let there be magic!
2023-05-16 - Glossary lookup tool
2023-05-15 - Writing as a habit
2023-05-14 - Need more computing power
2023-05-13 - Proprioception
2023-05-12 - Which slash is it?
2023-05-11 - Touch typing test on my newly acquired Nuphy Air75 wireless mechanical keyboard
2023-05-10 - Data interoperability
2023-05-09 - LiquidText and my opaque memory
2023-05-08 - Obsessed with note-taking in the broadest sense
2023-05-07 - Re-reading a classic
2023-05-06 - Learning regex conditionals
2023-05-05 - The snag and the slug
2023-05-04 - An impulse foray into Anki-to-Obsidian migration | Omnisearch woes
2023-05-03 - Tempting: 舊愛 Anki 新歡 Obsidian
2023-05-02 - My first professional website is live!
2023-05-01 - Wrangling tags
2023-04-30 - World Wide Web turns 30
2023-04-29 - Mispronunciations | SAMPA
2023-04-28 - FaceTime calling using the Apple Watch only | Schwa
2023-04-27 - WhatsApp login in multiple devices
2023-04-26 - Hello, Disqus!
2023-04-25 - Substance over structure | WebP
2023-04-24 - EasyFind disappoints. | No joy with Disqus.
2023-04-23 - Taking notes is not the end goal. | Glasp
2023-04-22 - Certified translation | Beyond Compare is beyond comparison.
2023-04-21 - Re-publishing this Obsidian Digital Garden from the iCloud vault
2023-04-20 - Syncing Obsidian across devices for free
2023-04-19 - Creepy ChatGPT | Peer emulation
2023-04-18 - Where humans should learn from machines
2023-04-17 - Homebody | City amenities 生活機能 | Charismatic PKM KOL
2023-04-16 - The Day My Website Went Live! 媽,我成功架站啦!
2023-04-15 - First look at publishing a website for free
2023-04-13 - EmEditor, take my knees!
2023-03-16 - ChatGPT4