Eric Liao Interpreting 中英文會議口譯

eric liao ekliao profile picture (from apple party) 2016.png|200

Mandarin - English Conference Interpreter 中英文會議同步口譯、逐步口譯 / 中英文会议同声传译、交替传译

About Me 口譯員自介

My name is Eric Liao. I am a professionally-trained freelance conference interpreter, a state-certified court interpreter (CA/NJ/AZ/WY), and an ATA-credentialed interpreter. I am based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, but VRI/RSI enables working for any event anywhere. I am originally from Taipei, Taiwan. I interpret between Mandarin Chinese (native) and English (near-native), and also from Tâigí.

My CV/résumé 簡歷 / 简历

Here's my CV/résumé (PDF履歷) or if you prefer it in MS Word (Word格式) (last updated: May 18, 2024.) Click this link 下載 and you should be able to save a copy if you like. (可網上閱覽或下載)

My Work as a Conference Interpreter 會議口譯工作

Clients and Speakers I Interpreted for 服務過的的客戶與講者

Interpreter Portfolio (Work Voice Samples) 口譯員工作實錄

Certified Court Interpreter 法庭認證口譯 / 法庭认证口译

Deposition Interpreter 庭外採證口譯(主翻或糾翻) / 庭外采证口译

Medical Interpreting 醫療口譯

Certified Medical Interpreter 認證醫療口譯 / 认证医疗口译

Welcome! 歡迎 / 欢迎

Welcome to my “digital garden”! It's a collection of notes in various stages of maturity and polish, open to the world. Created April 16, 2023, it is still nascent but an exciting start. After all, 千里之行,始於足下。 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Read its raison d'être.

Blog 網誌

My Areas of Interest 興趣領域

Contact, Comment, Question? 聯繫指教/联系指教

Feel free to connect by email 電郵 (, You can also fill out the Question or Comment? box at the bottom of every page of the site. (每頁底下有留言表格)

Other social media 社交媒體

This website is built using Obsidian, its Digital Garden plugin, GitHub, and Netlify.

© Eric K. Liao 2024