
Data Interoperability

Because I had liberally used # in Anki as a makeshift symbol to mark up headwords in the front and back, now I'm dealing with issue of not wanting # in OB after migration through Mochi. What a nightmare!

Reason for #: Could not use the underscore, as Anki treat _ as, believe it or not, a single-character wild card in search (almost universally known as ? elsewhere).

Reason against #: It is widely used as the symbol for a tag/hashtag. My newly developed mentality for tags in Obsidian is that it's meta: type of content, classification, and at most topics, not for vocabulary or technical terms, which easily number in 5- even 6- figures.

Other special characters:

/ → ⧸ (Big Solidus)  【巜full-width slash cannot be typed for some reason by Squirrel 】
> → >  OR full-width 〉
< → <  OR full-width 〈
: → ։ OR full-width : 
| → ┃  OR fulld-width |
\ → ⧵  OR full-width \ 
^ → ⌃  【巜can't type full-width】
" → “ OR ”  
* → * (same as full-width * ?) 
[ → { OR full-width [  
] → }  OR full-width ] 
# → ⋕ OR full-width 

Needless to say, I shouldn't attempt migration and also removal of the original Anki decks any time soon. Exploring while letting migration options develop organically is the safer bet.

Data Migration Note: New OB Vault

I dumped 150K Anki notes (mostly legal glossaries) through Mochi into a new OB vault called Anki2 as the second exploration (the first being A-Mydict, about 25K). Don't change anything. Treat it as read-only.

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