
The Day My Website Went Live!


There's always a way. 柳暗花明又一村。

Just as I swore to stop pursuing a solution to publish my Obsidian vault through GitHub yesterday, having spent half a day wrangling Git push, commit, and permission issues that weren't documented by the "handholding" guides on the web, I may have found another ray of hope: Obsidian + Github + Netlify from a Chinese guy whose video I first stumbled upon on Bilibili. Naturally The prior difficulty lowered my expectations.

I gave myself one hour's time top to evaluate whether this solution has legs (v means a check mark):

I can't believe it! In half an hour's time, I successfully published to the world part of my Obsidian vault using the proposed solution, of which Netlify is clearly key, and I managed to give it a proper, though still unconventional, URL: https://ericliaointerpreting.netlify.app. You are looking at it!