The Chinese Typewriter 《中文打字機》 - Notes on the translation 翻譯註記

date-created:: 2023-11-14

Trying out Hypothesis as a tool to highlight and annotate random text I come across on the web. For example, here are my notes, in Chinese, for an interesting title, The Chinese Typewriter.
試用 Hypothesis 記錄所見所聞。今天碰巧看到一本書名很吸睛的《中文打字機》,就認真了寫了幾筆

Here's a screenshot of what the web note should look like, after loading, using a computer (the view on a smartphone or tablet may be different and limited):

Screen Shot 2023-11-14 at 23.54.15.png

Obsidian view

For fellow Obsidian users, here's what the notes look like when automatically synced to Obsidian:
如果你也跟我一樣愛用 Obsidian,以下是同一份註記自動同步到 Obsidian 後的結果,供參:
