Obsidian Plugins 插件
In use / Tried
(New to old)
- Handwritten Note: magical!
- Audio Recorder - not much use
- PDF++: magical!
- Mixa (Obsidian plugin) - free Obsidian Publish alternative
- Spaced Repetition
- Export to Anki (was Obsidian_to_anki)
- Importer
- Hypothesis: magical!
- Omnivore
- Excalibrain
- Obsidian plugin - Excalidraw
- File Diff
- Wikipedia Search
- (Obsidian) Wikipedia
- Annotator - Official
- Highlights and annotates PDF inside OB
- Omnisearch
- Regex Find/Replace (https://github.com/Gru80/obsidian-regex-replace)
Of interest
(new to old)
- Zotero Integration
- Metadata (video)- Implements Tana supertags
- Admonition
- DEVONlink - Obsidian and DEVONthink
- A trick connecting the two (https://www.productived.net/articles/how-i-connect-devonthink-and-obsidian)
- Quick Add (templater)
- Link headers directly