Obsidian PDF++ plugin demo|完勝PDF Annotator插件,簡直開外掛
Oh, I love this! 一見鍾情
- Select some text in the PDF.
- Click on a color on the toolbar. This creates a link.
- Paste into any note. Remember to press RETURN. Voila! See the pasted result become a nice color box.
- Hover over a link to get a popup preview of the context.
Quick verdict: 4/5
Does not work with:
OCRed PDF book with vertical text e.g. Chinese: a huge disappointment
The performance there is much worse than Obsidian plugin - Annotator|PDF註記插件. It's practically unusable.
One more proof: Notes (PDF++) - Grammaire du français (sorbonne) - 法文文法快易通 修訂版 fr-tc (ocr).pdf
20250101 ⛔️ Destroys a PDF file on iPad
Mouse selection sticky
On one occasion, my mouse selection goes berserk: it slips and ends up selecting more text than intended as I navigate the context menu.
Restarting the computer worked. Glad it's only a one-off anomaly.
20240412 ⛔️ Auto-paste needs extra new line at the end to avoid gluing together successive quotes
More ...
Combining PDF reading, annotating, backlinking for context, and flashcarding 一邊閱讀筆記一遍建立閃卡
Obsidian plugin - Annotator|PDF註記插件
PDF annotation - non-OCR PDF - text selection woes
Explains options, including caution against "enable PDF editing" (which I turned ON)
https://pkmer.cn/Pkmer-Docs/10-obsidian/obsidian%E7%A4%BE%E5%8C%BA%E6%8F%92%E4%BB%B6/pdf-plus/ -
Introduces Markmind plugin #todo/try #Obsidian/plugin
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/438755703 -
obsidian markmind 插件已经实现在 ob 中阅读标注 pdf, 具有形成思维导图, pdf 跳转的功能; 该插件配置, 在 markmind 的基础上, 结合 quickadd 和 Templater 插件, 进一步对 pdf 标注进行操作, 实现每条 pdf注释 单独生成一个文稿, 并手动打上标签, 方便日后归纳整理检索分类**