Nuphy Air75 (mechanical wireless multi-device keyboard)

Verdict: 3/5

20240330 One more point deducted due to the recent frequent wireless (USB dongle) performance issue. Bluetooth seems fine.

202403 Would have been 5/5, but I had to deduct one full point due to recent degraded wireless (USB dongle) performance for unknown reasons.




Title: Nuphy Air 75 | 怎么会有这么漂亮的矮轴键盘?手感和质感 3 周使用评测 - YouTube

Page Comment

mechanical keyboard; 4 devices; bluetooth; 2.4GHz
cf. Air96, Air60

After purchase

Touch typing


YouTube Video

Settings shortcuts

For use by the Windows 11 Pro VM


202404 The difficulty in getting after service revealed that Nuphy is a company based in China. And, its firmware upgrade requires a Windows machine: there's no way to upgrade the firmware on a Mac or through a Windows virtual machine. I wish I had known this before the purchase.

202403 Soon after I came home from the Taiwan trip and reconnected all the USB hubs including setting up the newly purchased 7-port USB 3.0 to USB Type C adapter, the Nuphy Air75 wireless connection, which used to be fast and smooth, started to become iffy--it was either slow, unstable, or skipping or adding letters. Very annoying. I had to resort to using the wired option (thank goodness it is an option) almost always now. Very disappointed! It's strange this problem coincided with the failure of the old 7-port hub and the addition of the new one.

Nuphy Air75 wireless device settings - follow this scheme 遵照此無線鍵盤設定