My regexes in use
date-created:: 2023-05-05
Here is a list of quickly-hacked-together regex patterns to mitigate tasks that otherwise seem Herculean.
Subtitler (app) subtitle file .srt output
Search for (in CotEditor)
Peplace with
In Obsidian
- Find all newly created dictionary entries with tag #td and file path not already under /A/A-Dict/(word).md
#todo/file/d path:/[^t]\/[^\/]+\.md
(Not robust but largely gets the job done)
- Mostly my own SAMPA phonetic transcriptions in the form of
. Can contain non-SAMPA transcriptions of a myriad of systems from external sources, mostly dictionaries.
(annotation in parentheses: /SAMPA/ but [IPA])
SAMPA: /"e1 oU "ke1/
IPA (mwald) /ˌeıoʊˈkeı/
IPA-variant (node)
/ ˈeiˈwʌn / ([i] for [ı])
/ ˈæblaut / (/u/ for /U/)
- M-w style transcriptions in the form of
\ ... \
/\\\\ [^\\]{1,100}[ˌˈ].[^\\]{1,100}\\\\/
e.g. \ si-ˈkwe-(ˌ)lē\
- Other sources using the square brackets:
Outside Obsidian
- Too numerous to enumerate...