ImmersiveTranslate - quick impressions on translation quality of 4 free document translation services - 1 microsoft, 2 DeepL, 3 google, 4 tencent 騰訊, 5 siliconCloud - using the research paper titled chatGPT is Bullshit, 2024

Ranking from good to bad

1 Microsoft
2 DeepL
3a Google
3b Tencent
4 SiliconCloud

20240815 quick impressions of translation quality of 4 free doc translation services by ImmersiveTranslate - microsoft, google, tencent 騰訊, siliconCloud - e.g. paper titled chatGPT is bullshit 2024.png|600

DeepL - simplified Chinese only - ChatGPT is Bullshit - document transaltion.png|600