First taste of Perl 6
Woohoo! Running it is believing. Now I believe Perl 6's regex voodoo is a reality, not just a figment of my imagination.
My first non-"Hello world!" Perl 6 program
Invoking perl6 from the good ol' command line
ekliao@ELI-1T-Side-MBP14 ~ % perl6
Welcome to Rakudo™ v2023.06.
Implementing the Raku® Programming Language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2023.06.
To exit type 'exit' or '^D'
Entering actual code here
[0] > for '/usr/share/dict/words'.IO.lines -> $word {
* say $word if lc($word) ~~ /^ .e.rl $/;
* }
Executing code
[0] >
As is its wont, in just two lines of code, Perl 6 does something that would have taken like 20 lines in Python and 100 lines in Java in my guesstimation: it takes in all words in the built-in English word file (/usr/share/dict/words
), one per line, and prints all words that match the regex `^ .e.rl ---
First taste of Perl 6
Woohoo! Running it is believing. Now I believe Perl 6's regex voodoo is a reality, not just a figment of my imagination.
. Turns out there are two.
One apparent convenience Perl 6 has over Perl 5 is that the whitespace inside a regex pattern is by default ignored, to enhance readability. Another feature not illustrated here is that single-line comments (beginning with the # character) can be embedded in regex too. I really appreciate this effort to encourage more regexing!
Next ...
I ventured into finding and installing a GUI IDE.
Learning French mot par mot, un mot à la fois
ChatGPT can do French to English literal translation, dictionary style
In researching this mysterious French word that sounds like /ʁe "ɡlo/, I pulled this from the web, from a French-French dictionary site:
Définitions de « réglo »
Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé
Réglo, adj. inv.,arg. Conforme au règlement: des souliers réglo, marins 1917; une cravate réglo, bleue, soldats. 1917 (Esn., Notes compl. « Poilu », [1919] 1956). [En parlant de pers.] Correct dans son comportement.Est-ce que j'ai déjà vu des sœurs qui ne soient pas réglo? (Giono,Gds chemins, 1951, p. 184).
Adjectif - français
réglo \ʁe.ɡlo\ masculin et féminin identiques (Familier)
- Conforme au règlement ; règlementaire.
- En théorie il retape ces épaves : passage au marbre, tôlerie, mécanique, toujours réglo ; puis il revend les épaves remises à neuf, enfin, c'est ce qui apparaît au grand jour.— (Pierre Leterrier, Chantage tous risques, Éditions Rageot, 1992, chap. 5)
I then asked GPT to translate into English for me, to confirm my understanding of the definitions.
Definitions of "réglo"
Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé
Réglo, adj. inv., slang. Conforming to the regulations: "réglo" shoes, sailors 1917; a "réglo" tie, blue, soldiers 1917 (Esn., Notes compl. "Poilu", [1919] 1956). [Referring to people] Correct in behavior. "Have I ever seen sisters who are not 'réglo'?" (Giono, Gds chemins, 1951, p. 184).
Adjective - French
réglo \ʁe.ɡlo\ (masculine and feminine identical) (informal)
- Conforming to the rules; regulatory.
- "In theory, he repairs these wrecks: alignment, bodywork, mechanics, always 'réglo'; then he resells the refurbished wrecks, that's what appears on the surface." (Pierre Leterrier, Chantage tous risques, Éditions Rageot, 1992, chapter 5)
Bingo! This word is perfect and exactly what I wanted. Now I can use "règlo" more confidently, in meaning and in spelling, whenever I feel like dissing, like here when complaining about PDF Annotator being straitlaced, LOL.