Eric Liao Interpreting
Eric Liao Interpreting
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00 Eric Liao Interpreting 中英文會議口譯
家家有本難「念」的經-念與唸 - BabyHome親子討論區
防止偏見申請,motion in limine,元照英美法詞典 - 免費線上查詢!
Sunnyvale taps AI to translate public meetings - San José Spotlight
音位 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
_annotator_influenza vaccine 台灣行政院疾管局 認識流感疫苗 教學手冊
4K Video Downloader 下載影片的免費神器
Absolute verbs 不明示受詞的「絕對」動詞
Adding Disqus to Netlify
Andy Matuschak's Mysterious Sliding-Notes System
Anki - (Basic) note type naming mess (variants without a difference)
Anki - AnkiWeb (cloud storage) file size limits - official and actual
Anki add-on - Highlight Search Results in the Browser
Anki add-on performance tracking
Anki data merging project (WIP w ongoing change log)
Anki Export Considerations - text vs apkg
Anki Issues of Slow Desktop App
Anki text TSV import - one huge surprise
Anki to Mochi to Obsidian
Apple Notes disinteroperability
Apple Notes
Apple Watch Ultra
Asdf Version Manager
ATA Presentation
Atomic (Grouping) in Regex
Audio Book Summary
Audio Equalizer (Chrome extension) causes "no sound" in Chrome - never install it again!
Audio Flashcards - iOS app - handsfree, eyes-free, driving-friendly
Audio recording - should I choose 48KHz or 44.1 KHz?|錄音時選擇 48KHz 的用意
Backup of 金山詞霸 text (from MDX) format with one source per line
Beeper - a meta app to round them all up - except for a few glaring misses|集結各大通訊軟體的「滅他」通訊軟體
Beyond Compare 把本地文檔變身成網站
book - Learning Perl 6, 2018, brian d foy, O'Reilly
book - Parsing With Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars, 2017, Moritz Lenz, Apress
Book digitization
Cancelation or cancellation? Don't get "canceled" for spelling wrong.
Character class subtraction (regex)
ChatGPT - Bing - Bard 3-way knockout in explaining (a legal concept)
ChatGPT 4
ChatGPT can do French to English literal translation, dictionary style
ChatGPT delivers an English joke in English and Mandarin|ChatGPT說笑話有模有樣
ChatGPT for English writing and grammar
ChatGPT for formatting and extracting glossaries
ChatGPT on Mandarin sentence-final particles
ChatGPT summary of a text or transcript
ChatGPT voice chat surprise, delight, and caution|和ChatGPT中英雙語對話:既驚豔又心存警戒
Chunking in sight translation
Clients and Speakers I Interpreted for 服務過的的客戶與講者
Combining PDF reading, annotating, backlinking for context, and flashcarding 一邊閱讀筆記一遍建立閃卡
Completionism, or completism 求全主義
Computer Programming 電腦程式設計
Consecutive Note-Taking
Continuing accelerated Logseq learning
Ctrl-V or Cmd-V alternative - pasting only the plain text with Shift-Cmd-V
Customer Testimonials
DaisyDisk (Mac app) - TreeSize equivalent on the Mac
Data extraction with ChatGPT
DEVONthink To Go
Dictionaries and thesauri
Difficulty in passing all four subjects (70%) in the same sitting in state court interpreter's oral exams (by language) 美國法庭口譯考試
Digital Gardening
Disclaimer about offensive language
Docdrop - another great web annotation interface powered by Hypothesis|發現新的文件或影片註記介面:Docdrop
Downsampling videos - software comparison (free and paid)
Emojis 表情符號
Ernest Chiang
Eudic 歐路詞典 iOS - pasting mdx (and mdd, css if available) into directory of "external custom DB path" on iOS does work - immediately adds the dict to Eudic
Eudic 歐路詞典
Evernote termination and exodus 「永遠」筆記(Evernote)不再永遠
Exporter (app)
Foam, FoamBubble
Fool's errand in pushing the envelope of software limit
Free software for downsampling videos on Mac (M3 chip) |M3上可用的免費影片壓縮軟體
Glasp + YouTube Transcript + ChatGPT Summary
Glossary lookup - (Anki) custom fields - HEBSC
Glossary Lookup
Gmail hierarchical labels for organization
Good habit - Open an existing note instead of create a new note
Google Sheets - Regex Find and Replace
Hearing loudly and clearly
Hello, Obsidian Sync! 一試成主顧
How to enable texting (SMS) in the iMessage app on MacOS and other iOS devices (e.g. iPad)
HyperTTS:自動產生 Anki 閃卡語音的神器
Hypothesis - a public-by-default web annotation tool 預設公開的網上標註筆記工具
Hypothesis adds YouTube annotation|Hypothesis多了YouTube影片註解功能
iCloud (Drive)
iCloud slowness
Idioms and fixed expressions 成語
ImmersiveTranslate - quick impressions on translation quality of 4 free document translation services - 1 microsoft, 2 DeepL, 3 google, 4 tencent 騰訊, 5 siliconCloud - using the research paper titled chatGPT is Bullshit, 2024
Interpretation Fees
Interpretation Photo Gallery
Interpreter Portfolio (Work Voice Samples) 口譯員工作實錄
Interpreter's Help
Interpreting:Just for Laughs
Is This Good Chinese?
Issues with the Obsidian Digital Garden plugin|Obsidian 數位花園插件:問題
Joplin 2
Language and languages
Language nerd identification 你是語言宅嗎?
Latest Blogposts 網誌文章
Lazy AI
LEP 英語能力有限
LiquidText cross-app transclusion
LiquidText full feature list
Literary appreciation
Logseq bak woes
Logseq iCloud sync woes
Mac (Unix) shell command line execution of file operation such as rm (for deletion) - details and gotchas
Mac - Control Center (showing icons on top menu bar)|Mac控制中心
Mac command-line Z Shell|Mac命令列操作
MacBook 2023 Pro Max, 16 inch, with the M3 chip upgrade log|新購Mac筆電從Intel版狂升到M3晶片:綜合心得紀錄
MacOS Shell Development Environment
Manual fix
Markdown formatting syntax and best practices
Merging Notes: Anki Add-ons of Interest
Mid-2014 MacBook Pro (Intel)|2014年版MacBook Pro
Migrating and merging glossary data
Mistranslation du jour 今日誤譯 - to go back on sth 改變想法,反悔
Mistranslations from miscomprehension
Mochi Cards
More realistic use of note-taking apps as a glossary, terminology management and lookup tool
Movavi Video Editor 24 - Adjust speed of video while maintaining pitch (tone) 影片變速,人聲聲調不變
Movavi Video Editor 4
Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020
My Areas of Interest 興趣領域
My audio equipment
My consecutive note-taking practice using CADNCI 數位逐步口譯筆記練習實錄影片 (global income inequality)
My first non-"Hello world!" Perl 6 program 2
My first non-"Hello world!" Perl 6 program
My Hypothesis notes
My own miscomprehension (for translation)
My portable interpreting equipment 小型會議活動同步口譯設備
My regexes in use
My successful attempt at Obsidian web publishing 用 Obsidian 架站的艱辛史
Name That Symbol
Netlify with GoDaddy domain name
Not all AI is Generative
Note on the SAMPA phonetic transcription|SAMPA音標說明
Note-linking anxiety
Nuphy Air75 (mechanical wireless multi-device keyboard)
OB plugin - Omnisearch
OB plugin -- Regex Find - Replace
OB Tips and Hacks I've Got
Obsidian + Logseq cohabitation
Obsidian and AI
Obsidian and PDF
Obsidian as a dictionary
Obsidian Digital Garden Plugin + Netlify build failure scares|Obsidian 網站建置失敗
Obsidian Digital Garden Plugin + Netlify
Obsidian Digital Garden plugin - Certain characters in note name or title won't work (resulting in page not found) but will build successfully on Netlify|數位花園頁名不允許某些OB合法字元
Obsidian discount for teachers and students|Obsidian 師生優惠價
Obsidian has blocks too, just not as native as in Logseq
Obsidian Hotkeys
Obsidian iOS, iPadOS app - Issues
Obsidian Issues 問題
Obsidian PDF++ plugin demo|完勝PDF Annotator插件,簡直開外掛
Obsidian plugin - Annotator|PDF註記插件
Obsidian plugin - Excalidraw
Obsidian plugin - Hypothesis
Obsidian plugin - Importer|Obsidian匯入多種筆記軟體內容的神插件
Obsidian plugin - Zotero Integration|Obsidian、Zotero 之聯動
Obsidian plugins for ChatGPT
Obsidian Plugins 插件
Obsidian Publish Example Sites
Obsidian Publish
Obsidian Sync
Obsidian tag 'gptTrg'|Obsidian的「gptTrg」標籤
Obsidian's limitations - number of files, slow search
Old habits die hard
Omnivore - an open-source, free Readwise Reader alternative 免費的閱讀筆記書籤軟體
Online English-Chinese dictionaries are full of errors 線上英漢詞典不可信
Online mic etiquette 線上會議的基本麥克風禮儀
Other Interpreters at Work 口譯觀摩|口译观摩 英語實時語音轉寫工具
Perl 6 (Raku) Programming
Perl 6 Notes
Perl 6 “Amenities”
PKM 個人知識管理
Predicative expression
Prescription painkiller 處方止痛藥
Proximity search
Punctuation in writing
Question or Comment?
Quicktime screen recording - capturing dual screens?|Quicktime螢幕錄影能否同時擷取多螢幕?
Readwise Reader
Record It!
Reference Wikipedia in Obsidian
Refocusing on Glossary Management
Regex conditionals
Regex sighting in Taiwan's public national Taigi search tool
Regex tools supporting \p{Han} 方便處理中文的正規表式工具
Regex 正規表式
Roam Research
Roget's Thesaurus
Safari browser app on iOS - how to close all tabs at once
Search tools
Setting up Quartz and Hugo for Publishing Obsidian Vault
Sight translation 視譯
Sighting of the longest-ever prenominal modifier in Chinese (50 characters long)? |史上最長的中文名詞前置修飾語?
Simultaneous interpreting - basics
Special characters disallowed in Obsidian file (note) names, and proposed substitutes
Speech sound and audio processing
Sublime Text
Substance over structure
Syncing Obsidian for Free
Syncing or sharing Contacts between iOS (iPhone) and Mac OS (Contacts app)
Syntactic linearity 順句驅動
Systematic mispronunciations by non-native speakers of English 非英語母語者系統性發音問題
Systems thinking, systemic thinking, systematic thinking
Tana - My Questions and Answers
Tana Paste
Teaching and Coaching
Terminological dictionary - English to Chinese - largest yet
terp hack - be taken by sth
Text Editors
The Chinese Typewriter 《中文打字機》 - Notes on the translation 翻譯註記
The definite article "the"
There's no appropriate level of volume for background music for a talk|該死的背景音樂
This digital garden's raison d'être
Threads音義雙全的中文譯名|Give Threads a decent name
To Schwa or Not to Schwa
Tools for Thought (TfTs)
Tools I use
Translation and interpretation
Typefaces and fonts
Ugly, squat houses vs. ugly squat houses
Unified Glossaries
UpNote - Escape from Evernote|幫助Evernote難民出走的佛心軟體
Upnote - export folder structure|Upnote的匯出檔案結構
Upnote web clipper|Upnote網頁擷取工具
Uptime export allows select-all style selection on a huge notebook
Usage of 和
Using MT to prepare for interpretation assignments, make a bilingual document of presentation
Video editing software on the Mac|Mac影片編輯軟體
Web publishing - Obsidian + Ghost
Web Publishing With Github Pages and Hugo
Web publishing with Obsidian + Github + Netlify|Obdisian 架站成功的做法
Web Publishing 發布內容
Why you need to learn a little regex - an Anki example 正規表式是啥?能吃嗎?
Writing for Pleasure 為了爽而寫
Writing 寫作
YARLE (Yet another rope ladder from Evernote) - imports from Evernte .EMEX into various tools
Yvonne Jiu 鞠雨融
Zoom host can share video with sound to ALL breakout rooms|Zoom主持人可對分組房播放影音
口譯員和機器的關係 The human interpreter and the machine
在台灣住家的網速 Ethernet vs. wi-fi
美國之音 VOA 首見台灣口音的同步口譯
Perl 6 (Raku) has officially arrived on my Mac
So glad I've finally made the first step on this journey.
Installing Perl 6 (Raku) on Mac
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