Goal: Reduce Anki's number of entries from 1.2 million by one third, to 800K. This will have a huge upside for future migration into Obsidian. The plan is to further exclude the 450K-entry JMYH dictionary and just migrate 350K entries. This is still a huge challenge, but at least it has a much stronger chance of success than 800K.
Anki data merging project (WIP w ongoing change log)
#rfp #project/started
Take the normalized headword inflection as an example: produce the following single tab-separated value file
Rid of escaped double-quotes (") around or inside a field, so that one physical double quote is written as is without any escaping.
Turn in-line \n characters into .
Turn #word the content portion of a record into _word_ (surrounded by a pair of underscores)
Output for New Anki Merged
Headword (col 1)
Record (col 2)
## Inflection n.<br/>
line 1
line 2<br/>
{tags: #md#d/4}<br/>
## inflection, an<br/>
line 1<br/>
{tags: #JMYH}<br/>
## inflection<br/>
line 1
line 2
BrE _inflexion_ (line 3)
line 4<br/>
{tags: #mw#aud#md}\t