A first look at Apple Notes's data interoperability
It dawned on me that I am accumulating Apple Notes (henceforth AN) notes at a much faster clip than Evernote. The size is now 1000 (compared to 20K in EV). It behooves me to explore AN's data interoperability. At first blush, it's an ugly landscape, as Apple is known to be a closed ecosystem. People joke that Apple even keeps your own personal data from you, hinting at the difficulty of data exchange. That initial impression is allayed when I stumbled upon ../Exporter (app), an app that claims to export all of AN.
Tl;dr: Despite the 1% fail rate (see below), I have reaffirmed interest in keeping AN in my ../PKM 個人知識管理 collection, especially because of the relative smoothness of migration from Apple Notes to Obsidian.
Apple Notes disinteroperability
Below is an example of a copy-and-paste onto OB a note with some text and two pictures, directly from Apple Notes app on Mac. The two pictures were initially not copiable this way and left two wide blanks. They had to be manually singly selected, copied, and then pasted. What pain this is!
Exporter app for Export
Turns out this is also one of the note that the Exporter (app) app reports being unable to export to .md in its en masse export.
The overall fail rate is 1% (12 out of 1063) in my first experiment.