
Drum rolls, please... Re-publication of this website from the newly duplicated iCloud Obsidian vault EricLiao was a complete success, absolutely without any difficult. Steps involved:

  1. See How to sync an Obsidian vault between MacOS desktop and iOS for free for steps of setting up a new iPhone Obsidian vault to live on ../iCloud (Drive) and migrate the old vault's content there.
  2. Re-install the Digital Garden plugin and adjust settings (most of the options were really duplicated when I audaciously copied the .obsidian setting files).
  3. Nothing needs changing on the Github and Netlify sides. So simple!
  4. And voilà!

I am so impressed by the seamless design of Obsidian/iCloud. With this completely free option, why would anyone pay for the $10/month or $96/year Obsidian Sync service?